E: Excitement

I’m not talking about a passing excitement that coincides with brief rushes bringing fleeting feelings of life to those lost to it, but that spark of a moment when your hand touched your future wife. That moment you shared your first kiss, when the world infront of the Verizon Store faded away in the deafing roar of fireworks.  The expansion of your universe as your families collide in true love.

The explosion of excitement was always accompanied by joy.  Like in the moment I first held my daughter.  No other word can appropriately descibe it aside from joy.

Sometimes, if you let it, excitement can fade.  Life happens, circumstances change, and we let the excitement fade.

When you get caught up in life and stare at the day for what it is, just another day with more stuff to do, you loose sight of what looking at potential can be.  Excitement waits in potential of things to come.

What are you doing?  Where do you find your excitement?  Is it fleeting, or ever evolving?

Dadhood is…

Dadhood is:
1. Not a real word (yet…)
I’m talking to you Webster!
2. Scary
The first week of my daughter’s life, scratch that, the first month of my daughter’s life was spent not eating and sleeping, but studying. SIDs, enough said…
3. Overwhelming
You are completely responsible for another human. What? She is the most important thing, period.
4. Tiring
When I was a teen I would stay up all night just so that I could see how many hours straight I could stay up. If I had a time machine I would punch myself in the face. You can’t get it back.
5. Repetative
Your child’s schedule is your schedule. Eat, change a diaper, take a nap, eat, change a diaper, take a nap. Repeat for 2 years. (at least thats my guess, Addie’s only 8 Months)
6. Messy
If only I had the words. Diapers, toys, teething, spit up, laundry, car seats.
7. A Blessing
My daughter is my treasure. When she wakes me up at 5:30 am and I stumble into her room, all I ca see is that big chubby cheeked smile. Hearing my wife complain about the fact that she won’t stop saying “Dada” with a big ol’ grin on my face. That smile of her’s negates the stress of items 2-6.

We pray a happy Father’s Day to all of you papas out there.

Can You Forgive?

I was wandering the news websites that I check in on during the down times at the office and I found this.  I was flabbergasted, dumbfound and blessed in just reading the title, “Iran murder victim’s mother forgives killer, stops hanging”…


http://news.sky.com/story/1244398/iran-murder-victims-mother-stops-hanging  (visit it NOW)


Now I don’t know about you, but in that moment God asked me “Can you forgive as you’ve been forgiven?”

BAM!!  I was hit with a conviction bolt!  You see earlier this morning I glared at someone as I passed them on the four lane (aka HW 119) because they cut me off only to slow down?!?!?!  I was enraged to say the least.

So here I am sitting at my computer reading a short article where a MOTHER forgave the murderer of her child.

Here’s a hard fact to swallow.  So often “Christians” marred by some terrible event run to the church to hold a vigil in memory of the dead, but those candles soon turn to torches as they chase the proverbial monster through the media to the gallows, chanting all the way there “KILL THEM, KILL THEM”.

As a follower of Christ I am compelled and I compel those in my congregation to forgive. Forgive and love.

Ephesians 4:31-32 says (msg)

“Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.”

The challenge is laid before you.  Can you forgive as you were forgiven?

200553_4804974545_1780_nWhen I was 18 I decided to sign up for a mission trip to Jamaica. I had the kids mind set going into it. I thought I was going to drastically change people’s lives for the better. failing to avoid the cliche, I was wrong. God had something and someone in store for me.

This young man is Dwayne, and I am who and where I am today because of him. Dwayne had a mental handicap that put his mental age at 5 or 6 years old. but it never slowed him down. He was always right next to us as we painted and played with the kids.

During times of praise and worship his voice was the loudest. During the time of prayer he always offered those around. God used him to speak into my heart and call me to the mission field.

On our final day there, I noticed his shoes were tattered and torn. I pulled from my bag a brand new pair of boots that my parents bought me before the trip. I never even thought to use them. I handed them over to Dwayne who immediately put them on.

My thought was that Dwayne taught me to Praise the father loudest, to pray with intent and courage, and most importantly use myself as God intended (where ever, when ever). I wanted to share what ever I could with my Christ Brother, and being that he had me beat in the Christ walk, I wanted to make those literal steps a little easier.

Ante-meridian is what AM stands for…

So as part of my move to change my living I’ve begun to get up at 6:00 am throughout the week (Monday through Friday), and exercise.  From what I gather humans were not made to get up that early, at least not with a 6 month old daughter.  I count myself lucky though, she does sleep, for the most part, all night.  

So this morning as I sat on the edge of my bed, there was an internal battle being waged in my brain.  This is what I’ve dubbed as the two guys that dictate my life.  One guy is very productive, positive and desires only to work hard.  The other guy fights against everything that the first guy wants to do.  Sadly, more often than not, in the morning guy number two wins.

It was around the time that I thought of myself as two separate people that I thought, “I think I have a problem.”  I wasn’t thinking that I was schizophrenic, but I hadn’t struggled with my two selves all of my life.  It really just began about a year ago.  I lost many battles to the other guy over that year.  Now I want to say that this isn’t a cop-out, I knew what I was doing when I was making these poor choices.  It was pure laziness at times, under the guise of being an attentive husband.  I shamefully used my wife’s pregnancy to excuse my decisions to handle business from a far.  Things got done, but I was’t the man I was supposed to be.

I’m a minister, I believe wholeheartedly that God placed me here at this moment in my life to expand on me.  To push me deeper into his overwhelming ocean of grace and love.  I believe that he has a plan for my efforts in my area.  But during this time, I was drawn down into a pit of darkness, where the only things accompanying me were my excuses for opportunities missed.  Opportunities in church, opportunities in the community, opportunities with my family; all were missed because I lacked the desire to grab hold of my God and myself.  

God has the power to lift me up, but he gave me the choice of grabbing on.  Months were wasted, fruit shriveled around me, and it was all because I dared to think I could do this by myself.  I didn’t reach for my wife, I didn’t reach to my leaders, but even more sad I didn’t reach to God.  All of those people, had hands out and were ready to grab hold.  But I stood firm on my sinking sand.

Two months ago, I lifted my heavy hand and fought hard to grab on to everyone and everything to pull myself up.  I fought all along the way with that other guy.  I sought treatment with a therapist and constantly poured love on my wife and daughter.  I prayed.  Not just a simple prayer, I poured myself out.  As he filled me back up, I felt renewed,reborn even.

I was diagnosed with anxiety induced depression with high ADD tendencies.  That was a shock.  Not so much the depression thing, well that sorta was, but I assumed that was there.  The shock was that it was induced by anxiety.  I had this thought that I was good at handling stress.  Well after a few visits with my therapist, t seems as though I was wrong.

The blessing is that we are seeking the non medicated path, with the exception of Vitamin D supplements.  Another blessing is the fact that I have an amazing wife who cares for me, family who love me and a God who lifts me up on the week days.

A new Chapter

I’ve never been one for journals or keeping track of my daily life, but a few months ago I noticed that something wasn’t right with me.  Through my journey to “correct” this backwards pattern that seemed to completely take over my life, I was encouraged to begin sharing.  In the vein of talking about new beginnings the word abecedarian stood out to me.  An abecedarian someone learning the basics, and being that I was basically hitting the reset button on my life it seemed appropriate. 

Hopefully, through the time I share something that’s truly worth reading.  Blessings!