
Dadhood is…

Dadhood is:
1. Not a real word (yet…)
I’m talking to you Webster!
2. Scary
The first week of my daughter’s life, scratch that, the first month of my daughter’s life was spent not eating and sleeping, but studying. SIDs, enough said…
3. Overwhelming
You are completely responsible for another human. What? She is the most important thing, period.
4. Tiring
When I was a teen I would stay up all night just so that I could see how many hours straight I could stay up. If I had a time machine I would punch myself in the face. You can’t get it back.
5. Repetative
Your child’s schedule is your schedule. Eat, change a diaper, take a nap, eat, change a diaper, take a nap. Repeat for 2 years. (at least thats my guess, Addie’s only 8 Months)
6. Messy
If only I had the words. Diapers, toys, teething, spit up, laundry, car seats.
7. A Blessing
My daughter is my treasure. When she wakes me up at 5:30 am and I stumble into her room, all I ca see is that big chubby cheeked smile. Hearing my wife complain about the fact that she won’t stop saying “Dada” with a big ol’ grin on my face. That smile of her’s negates the stress of items 2-6.

We pray a happy Father’s Day to all of you papas out there.